Merri Groupin omistuksessa oleva tamma Weltall Vanille. Kuva © Haras de Hus

Merri Group

Top-level sport horses from Finland and Germany

Merri Group is a sim game equestrian company that owns talented dressage and show jumping horses. Some of the horses owned by Merri Group live in Finland and are ridden by the CEO Heidi Merrilä, but the most talented top-level horses are located in Germany and they are managed by a group of equestrian professionals.

Come and follow the journey of this crazy Finnish equestrian and the life of her evergrowing horse “heard”. We are always happy to hear about promising dressage and show jumping prospects so if you have an interesting horse or if you’re looking for one, don’t be shy, different kinds of deals are possible.

ALERT! Merri Group is a sim game stable. Photos and other content on this site has nothing to do with real world and horses in the photos have nothing to do with the contents of this sim game page. Learn more about sim game stables as a hobby.